Collatz Sequence Generator

This is a tool that generates a Collatz sequence list and a chart of this list from a given number using the Collatz Conjecture, commonly known as the 3x+1 problem. The conjecture proposes a simple set of rules that are repeatedly applied to a number: if the number is even, divide it by two. If the number is odd, multiply it by 3 and add 1. These rules are applied repeately to the number until the sequence converges to 1. The Collatz Conjecture asserts that any positive integer that this sequence is applied to will eventually converge to 1.

The list will appear here and the chart will appear below.

The output of this generator is a list formatted for graphing. You can graph it here.

I recommend using the link above to graph the sequence if you'd like to explore it further (zoom in, interpolate values, etc)

© Nolan Stone 2024